How Can I Get Involved?

There are hundreds of ways you can get involved and commit a random act of kindness for someone else, but here is a short list of ones I am a huge fan of. If you have some ideas which you feel should be included on this website, then please contact us, and we will be glad to share them on this website.

Remember, lots of random acts of kindness are usually anonymous too.

- Compliment a stranger
- Instead of ignoring christmas carolers, open your door and smile as they sing to you
- Pay for a coffee or a bus fare for the person behind you in the queue
- Introduce yourself to your neighbours
- Bake treats and take them to the police station, fire station, A&E department etc as anyone that spends their life helping others, really deserves all you can do for them
- Offer to help someone you know is struggling with something
- Ring someone and have a conversation instead of texting, tweeting or facebooking them
- Make time to talk to an elderly person, as you may be the only person they speak to that day
- If you are sweeping leaves or shoveling the snow off your pavement, do your neighbours too
- Let someone else have your seat on a train or bus
- Say “Hello” or “Good Morning” to strangers
- Send a nice card to 2 people you picked from the phone book
- Ask an elderly neighbour if they need anything from the shop, to save them venturing out in the cold weather
- Give a taxi driver, takeaway delivery person or a person working in a restaurant / coffee shop a large tip
- Pay for someone elses car parking ticket in a car park or pay for a ticket and leave it on the machine
- Drop some £1 coins in random places for people to find (even better if somewhere kids can find them)
- Call in to see someone you know is ill
- Make a point of telling someone what a good job they are doing
- Leave a post it note on someones car telling them they have good taste in cars and it made your day seeing it
- Buy a lottery ticket or a scratchcard for a stranger
- Buy a warm drink for a big issue seller
- Offer to walk your friends dog
- If you receive good service from someone in a restaurant, tell them you want to speak to their manager and when the manager arrives, give them a glowing review in front of them
- Send someone a small present anonymously
- Pick up a neighbours bin which may have been knocked over in the bad weather
- Sellotape a £1 coin to a pay phone with a note welcoming anyone who needs it to use it. I know that there are times when something as simple as that would have made a big difference to me.
- Offer a delivery person a piece of fruit or bottle of water
- Prepare a home cooked meal or take a knitted hat and scarf and give it to a homeless person
- Send a 'Thank you' card or note 'from a local citizen' to the officers at your local police station and fire station. Rarely are these people ever thanked for the protection they give or the risks they take.
- Visit an animal shelter and offer to walk some of the dogs
- Leave that parking space at the front for someone else who may need it more than you
- Do a chore that is normally your spouse's 'job'
- Instead of just thinking it, compliment someone
- Buy flowers for a nurse at a local hospital and tell them they are doing a great job
- Give your postman something warm to eat when he next delivers your mail
- Help a mother carry her baby pram up the stairs
- Give your umbrella to someone clearly struggling in the wet weather
- Introduce yourself to someone you see often but have never spoken to before
- Send a friend a card in the post saying how much you value you their friendship
- Visit a nursing home for an hour or two and speak to someone who doesn’t get many visitors
- Visit a local childrens hospital with dozens of bars of chocolate
- Buy some food and drop it off to a local animal rescue
- Donate your old books, magazines and DVDs to a local nursing home
- Sellotape a £2 coin to a vending machine with a note that says “enjoy something on me”
- Take a parent out for dinner for no reason at all
- Send a bouquet of flowers to a hospital and let the staff know it should go to someone who doesn’t receive any visitors and is lonely
- Leave some 20p coins in a childs vending machine
- Give something of yours away to someone for free
- Leave a Hershey’s hug with a note that says “sometimes you just need a hug” attached to it in random places
- If someone compliments a random thing you have, give it to them
- When visiting Santa with your children, take a present for your children to give to him

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